Touch Drawing

¿que es touch Drawing?

La tecnica de Touch Drawing fue creada por la artista Deborah Koff-Chapin como una practica terapeutica de las artes expresivas y espiritual usando el toque de los dedos para dibujar libremente el contenido de su inconsciente y/o de su alma sobre un papel " boca abajo" sobre pintura de aceite humeda.

" Touch Drawing is a simple yet profound process. Paper is placed over wet paint. The pressure of fingertips on the page forms images on the underside. The hands are extensions of the soul, moving in response to the sensations of the moment. Channels of expression open, enabling feelings to flow. A series of drawings is created, each a stepping stone deeper into the self. This act of creation unleashes vibrant healing forces that guide the psyche toward wholeness. Even an unconfident artist can experience the fulfillment of seeing their interior life come alive on paper. Touch Drawing is used by artists, therapists, social workers, health care practitioners, educators and intuitives. Touch Drawing is a practice of creative, psychological and spiritual integration." (Deborah Koff-Chapin)

Pueden ver la tecnica de Deborah Koff-Chapin en You Tube bajo "Touch Drawing" o en su pagina hay 7 videos cortos demostrando la tecnica.